Learner, Know Thyself

As “Big Data” loom larger and larger, the value of owning your own data likewise increases. Learners need to have access to all of their prior educational data, just as much as patients need access to all of their prior medical records, especially as they move between multiple providers and change over time. Instead of locking up valuable information in the hands of individual organizations with their own proprietary or idiosyncratic institutional habits, this lets the learner share their data for new educational providers to analyze.

Putting data back in the learners’ hands also empowers them to act as their own student-advocates, not just recognizing patterns in when they are learning more effectively (or less), but having the evidence to support their position. With accurate self-assessment and self-regulated learning becoming increasingly important goals in education these days, having students take literal ownership of their own learning and assessment data can help them make progress toward those goals.